PC1640 Amstrad
Megazine Technical specifications of the Amstrad PC1640 home computer 1986 Cod. 4XWWC7UUMI
Controller Controller Plug and Play of National Instruments 1993 Cod. YHXACS4DCR
Laptop Laptop with Intel 8088 microprocessor and 640kB of RAM 1980s Cod. B2XB8G1R8X
Commodore VIC-20 – 1982
Computer Home computer with CMOS 6502 and VIC Multimedia Processor 1982 Cod. JKM1RC582X
Joystick plug-and-play
Videogames Joystick plug-and-play for the Commodore VIC-20 1982 Cod. CBR429E7MF
Compaq iPAQ 3800
Portable device Handheld device (or Pocket PC) 2001 Cod. U6OKZOIRLU
Nokia 3310
Mobile Phone Mobile phone (TIM on the left and WIND on the right) This find has a manufacturing error: although…