Martox Millennium GPU
GPU Matrox Millennium G550 G55 Graphics Card + MDHA32DB AGP 32MB RAM G55 Video Ok 2001 Cod. IP6G221ZH7
GigaBit Ethernet Network Interface card
Network device Gigabit network interface for 802.3ab Ethernet networks 1999 Cod. HF377ST3VF
Microsoft – MS-DOS
Guide User manual for MS-DOS Operating System 1991 Cod. UQU417JMYT
Microsoft MS-DOS Introductory Guide: Operating System 5.0
Guide Introductory guide 1991 Cod. TRYUUVCSLX
Guide Disk Operating System for IBM and compatibles 1992 Cod. XAOGBKJ77S
Introduction to Microsoft Windows 95
Guide User manual for Microsoft Windows 95 1995 Cod. VDYU5V5YEY
Digital H4005
Hardware component Spare part for DEC H4005, 84 pc, used to transmit optical signals 1994 Cod. CGW586Z3LA