Amiga RISC
Project Reimplementation of Amiga-OS on RISC SBC; Boot Loader (Giuseppe Coviello) N/A Cod. ZSM33EXAMN
Radiosounding probe
Project Automatic device for Atmosphere Radiosondes carried by Aerostatic Balloon N/A Cod. ERDAH8S56S
Project Air Quality Monitoring Station; Web Technologies Project; Components: Intel Galileo N/A Cod. 3FDU77V7G2
Meteo Parthenope
Award High-Reliability Weather Monitoring Project by Parthenope University N/A Cod. LHLGP1B2YA
Premio Eolo
Award Award presented to “Centro Meteo Uniparthenope” of 5th FIV Zone for weather nowcasting predictions via X-band radar N/A Cod.…
Project Flying platform for remote sensing experiment and autopilot N/A Cod. JQVJOAH7J9
Open Sailing Processor
Project Open-source hardware/software system for retrieval boating; Components: Udoo Quad; Project: FairWind; Thesis (Carmine Ferraro) N/A Cod. CCP90H82LO
Artwork Artwork (Dmitrij Musella); Project ReBit – Digital Recycling N/A Cod. C0PET8IZJQ
FairWind HUD
Project FairWind Android prototype with Head Up Display; Components: Radxa Rock Pro, Vulfine Plus; Project: FairWind N/A Cod. LJXKJAFLTJ
FairWind Lite
Project FairWind device with position and weather sensors; DYNAMO Internet of Floating Things Protocol; Components: Raspberry Pi, 450 nits LCD…